RAIN BEAT MUSIC & COOPERATIONS er en platform med musikproduktioner, livekoncerter, RAIN BEAT-sange, Workshops for sangere og Drama-/Teaterworkshops for børn & unge.
Koncerter for børn & familier med Rytme Rita og Universet
Yderligere kontakt os hvis i har brug for Voiceover & Speaks, Hyldest til Michael Jackson koncert eller gæsteindslag, Jazz, Bossa, Chill og Pop Duo med vokal og guitar.
Videre her Debbie Cameron-koncerter; via regnbeatbooking kan du kontakte os hvis du vil booke et af projekterne.
Siden 2001 har Pia været frontsanger for forskellige bands, der spænder i stilarter fra pop til rock, soul....og i 2001 startede hun sin CD, sangskrivning og musikproduktioner.
Ved at gå gennem denne hjemmeside kan du lytte finde information om projekterne.
Tekst og musik på RAIN BEAT EP-siden er komponeret af Pia Elisabeth Larsen. Pia har gennem årene sunget som front i forskellige soul- og rockbands. I 4 år arbejdet og sunget i Etta Cameron Gospel Ensamble "Voices Of Joy" rundt omkring i Danmark, Sverige, Tyskland og Norge. Blandt koncertturnerne med Etta Cameron og The Voices Of Joy var hun med ensamblet der sang backing for Westlife på deres besøg i Danmark i et tv-show, Michael Bolton på turné i Danmark og et Aquabryllupsarrangement, i kirker og med koncertsale turné i Danmark.
Pia sang senere som front i Aretha Franklin Tribute Band i 2 år. Et coverband fra København / Danmark www.myspace.com/arethafranklintributeband
Hun sang senere også med The Gospel -koret HAPPY DAY CHOIR instrueret af Debbie Cameron i perioden 2009 - 2014.
De nuværende RAIN BEAT-optagelser er fra BLUE BASIC STUDIO I KØBENHAVN med Niels Harboe / instr. Program."THE CHANCE" . - og også med Debbie Cameron /featuring/ co/producering
"I AM STAYING" optaget i Sassy music Studio med Rowan producerende og arr.. "FOLLOW THE HEART" med Thomas Nesborg som Co/producer.
"VENUS AND MARS" med specialfeaturing Dr. Steven Greer fra The Disclosureproject på The National Press Conference Washington DC 2001. Mere information i om RAIN BEAT Cooperations findes i menuen.
Oplysninger om MJ Coverband, Michael Jackson Tribute/
Hvis du har brug for voiceover og taler til dine PR-video- eller radiospots, så gå til Voiceover-menuen.
Workshops gå til kor, basingvokalworkshops eller Drama/ Teater Workshops- og Musikprojekter.
Duo Jazz, Bossa, Chill, n Pop går til Duo i meny
Hvis du vil booke en koncert med Debbie Cameron; gå til rainbeatbooking i menuen
"Jeg takker mine venner, familie og musikpartnere dybt for deres arbejde, samarbejde og inspiration"
RAIN BEAT MUSIC & COOPERATIONS is a platform for musicproductions, live koncerts, RAIN BEAT Songtracks, workshops for singers, Drama/Theater Workshops for children, youngsters
Concerts for Children & Families with Rytme Rita & The Universe
Further Voiceover & Speaks, Tribute to Michael Jackson, Jazz, Bossa, Chill and Pop Duo with vocal and guitar, Debbie Cameron Concerts and via rainbeatbooking you can contact us, if you wanna book one of the projects.
Since 2001, Pia´s been a front-singer for diverse bands, ranging in styles from Pop to Rock, Soul....and in 2001 she started her CD, songwriting & music productions.
Going through this website you can listen to the projects and find informations about the mucisians and platforms.
Lyrics & Music on the RAIN BEAT EP site is composed by Pia Elisabeth Larsen. Pia have been singing as front during the years in different soul and rock bands. For 4 years working and singing in the Etta Cameron Gospel Ensamble "Voices Of Joy" all around in Denmark, Sweeden, Germany and Norway. Among the concerts tourwith Etta Cameron and The Voices Of Joy she was with the ensamble singing backing for Westlife on their visit Denmark on a TV show, Michael Bolton on tour in Denmark, and an Aqua wedding Event, in churches and concerthalls tour in Denmark.
Pia sang later as front in Aretha Franklin Tribute Band for 2 years. A Cover Band from Copenhagen / Denmark www.myspace.com/arethafranklintributeband
She also sang with The Gospel Choir HAPPY DAY CHOIR directed by Debbie Cameron; worked with the Gospel Choir the periode of 2009 - 2014.
The present RAIN BEAT recordings are from the BLUE BASIC STUDIO IN COPENHAGEN with Niels Harboe / instr. Program. “THE CHANCE" . - and also with Debbie Cameron /featuring/ co/producing
“I AM STAYING" recorded at Sassy music Studio with Rowan producing and arr.. “FOLLOW THE HEART" with Thomas Nesborg as Co/producer.
“VENUS AND MARS" with special featuring Dr. Steven Greer The DisclosureProject at The National Press Conference Washington DC 2001. More informations in about RAIN BEAT Cooperations go to the meny.
Informations about MJ Coverband go to meny Michael Jackson Tribute/ Abba /Mix covers.
If you need voiceover & speaks for your PR video or radio spots, go to Voiceover meny.
Workshops go to Choir, Bacingvocal Workshops, or Theater & Music Projects.
Duo Jazz, Bossa, Chill,n Pop go to Duo in meny
If you wanna book a concert with Debbie Cameron; go to rainbeatbooking in the meny
“I thank my friends, family and music partners deeply for their work , cooperation and inspiration”
Introduktions workshop
En formiddag a´ 2 timer 2.500 kr
En formiddag & eftermiddag 2x2 timer 4.000 -
Flere dages workshop
2 dages workshop a´ 2 timer pr. Dag (i alt 4 timer) 5.500 -
3 dages Workshop a 2 timer pr.dag (i alt 6 timer) 7.000 -
2 dages workshop a´2x2 timer pr.Dag (i alt 8 timer) 9.000 -
Skulle der være basis for et længere forløb, aftaler vi nærmere alt efter behov og tidsramme
Jylland & Øerne
Alle priser er exclusive transport, overnatning/ diæter Jylland/Øerne og Bornholm